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Showing posts with label Pizza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pizza. Show all posts

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sweet and Tangy Blueberry BBQ Chicken Pizza #SundaySupper

We have an abundance of blueberries at our home. I have been buying them left and right trying to stock our freezer for the winter months that are sure to be here before I know it.  The blueberries add great color, sweetness and a touch of flavor to this fun BBQ sauce.

I have always been a fan of BBQ Chicken Pizza.  My family, on the other hand, not so much.  Well, sometimes I decide to make it anyways and they can eat it or leave it.  I guess I was having a mean Mom moment.

I made it and they ate it.  I loved my version of Blueberry BBQ sauce.  It is sweet and tangy, just like I like my BBQ sauce to be.  The blueberry is subtle but it adds great color to the sauce.  To enhance the blueberry flavor, I tossed some fresh blueberries on the pizza.  This made for a gorgeous presentation. I even got an "ooh-ahhh" from the kids.  I like that.

The Blueberry BBQ Sauce recipe will make more than you need but I can tell you that added to some chicken sliders is a great way to use the left over sauce.  

You are in for a real treat with this weeks Sunday Supper recipes because they are all BBQ related.  Scroll to the bottom of this post and you will find links to each one.

I recently shared our gluten free pizza crust that is also featured in the pictures that are posted in this post.   If you need a gluten free pizza recipe I would suggest you give this one a try.  The recipe can be found here with step by step pictures.

Sweet and Tangy Blueberry BBQ Chicken Pizza
Makes one pizza

1 pizza crust (homemade or store bought) (gluten free version here)
1 batch of Blueberry BBQ Sauce (recipe to follow)
2 cups of cooked chicken pieces
2 cups of mozzarella cheese, shredded
1 handful of arugula leaves
1/2 cup fresh blueberries, add more if you want

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

1.  Pre-bake pizza crust for 6-8 minutes.

2.  Remove from oven and add BBQ sauce, cheese, chicken pieces, blueberries and arugula.  Return to oven and bake until cheese is melted--about 10 more minutes.

3.  Slice and Serve.  Store leftovers in refrigerator.

Blueberry BBQ Sauce
Makes about 2 cups, you will have leftovers

1 cup fresh blueberries
1 1/4 cups ketchup
1/4 cup rice vinegar
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon minced garlic
2 teaspoons molasses
1/2 teaspoon jalapeno-garlic oil (optional)
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
2 tablespoons minced red onion

1.  Combine all ingredients in a medium sauce pan.  Turn heat to medium and bring to a boil. Using a potato masher or back of a spoon, mash blueberries into sauce.  You should still see pieces of blueberry just not whole berries.

2.  Turn heat down to low and let simmer for 30 minutes to thicken.  Depending on stovetops, it may take more or less time to achieve the desired thickness.  It will also thicken as it sits in the refrigerator if you do not use it right away.

3.  Store leftover sauce in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Sides and Accompaniments
Main Dishes
Sunday Supper Movement
Join the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board.Written by Sherron Watson

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Gluten Free Buttermilk Pizza Crust

This is our families favorite pizza crust recipe.  I have been supplementing buttermilk for most of the recipes that call for "milk" and find that it works better in gluten free baking.  I think the extra fat may help with  developing the dough.  Of course, I am going to recommend that you buy the best buttermilk you can find.  I get ours from a local dairy in a small glass bottle.  It is light yellow because the cows are grass fed.   Notice the pizza crust is tinged with a yellow hue--that is in part from the buttermilk and also using millet.  This flour is a light yellow.

Millet is a wonderful grain.  It has the best flavor and performs beyond expectation in my gluten free baked goods.  You will notice I use it all the time.  I find that it adds the right amount of flavor to trick my friends and family into thinking they are eating something "wheat-filled".  Let me know if you have had the same experience.

This pizza crust is not hard to make.  If you have not worked with gluten free bread doughs before then you are in a for a treat.  It is different but I have included some pictures below to help you bake your first pizza crust.  The dough needs to be wet so that it has enough water to work with the flours. It is a bit technical but if the dough is too dry then you get dry products.  We don't want that!

I make this dough on a pizza stone.  I find that the outer crust is crispy and the pizza crust is soft in the middle.  My husband said it reminded him of the boxed pizza crust you get at the store and make at home.  This is not a bad thing.  It is just a good example of what the texture will be like.  

This recipe makes one large pizza (12 inches) or you can make individual pizzas.  Just cut the parchment paper to the size that you need and spread the dough out.  The thicker you have it the thicker the crust will be.  I made sure mine was a little more than 1/4 inch thick and it swelled up to what you see in the picture.  You may need to play around with it to see which thickness you like.

I made this blueberry BBQ sauce and chicken pizza for my family.  The reason I chose to make this pizza with this sauce is because the sauce is wet.  I wanted to see if the crust would hold up.  I am quite pleased to say that it did.  The BBQ sauce recipe will be up soon--look for it!

Final thought:  buy a scale!  I am making more and more of my recipes by volume.  To guarantee that each recipe turns out the same each time I must cook this way.  It is so much easier to bake with a scale than with 5 different measuring cups.  I use one bowl, a scale and bam--it's done.  Really easy!

I will have the estimated cups listed next to the recipe for those that do not have a scale but, again, I am encouraging you to invest in this very useful kitchen tool.

This delicious Blueberry BBQ Chicken Pizza recipe will be out on Sunday--be sure to check back!

Gluten Free Buttermilk Pizza Crust

Makes one crust

160 grams (1 cup) white rice flour
76 grams (1/2 cup) millet flour
56 grams (1/2 cup) tapioca starch
20 grams (1/4 cup) potato starch
1 teaspoon guar gum
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
133 grams (1/2 cup) buttermilk + a 2 teaspoons (if needed)
1 teaspoon vinegar

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

1.  Combine the dry ingredients into a medium bowl.  Sift once.  Sifting helps to mix the ingredients and to find any clumps in the flours and starches.

2.  In a small bowl combine the wet ingredients.

3.  I use my KitchenAid stand mixer to mix the dough.  Add the dry and the wet to the stand mixer and attache the paddle tool.  Start on low and mix dough, once it is mixed, increase speed to medium for 5 minutes.  Dough should look stretchy--like a thick cake batter.

4.  This is best made on parchment paper.  If you don't have any, then get the pan that you will bake the crust on and spread with a light sprinkling of corn meal.  See picture below.  Pour dough into the middle of the paper or pan.

5.  Take a plastic spatula and spread dough to desired thickness and size.  You can also make individual sized pizzas.  See picture below.

6.  See picture to know how I spread mine.  This was the final product.

 7.  Bake just the crust for 8 minutes.  See picture at the top.  Add sauce, cheese and ingredients and bake for an additional 10-12 minutes.  Remove from oven.  The pizza should slide off of the parchment paper.  I remove the parchment paper so that the crust can sit directly on my pizza stone and dry up any sauce that may have ran over the sides.

8.  Slice and serve.  Store left overs in the refrigerator.

Written by Sherron Watson

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cauliflower and Zucchini Crust for Pizza

I took a huge risk trying this recipe on my family.  Only a few us should not eat wheat and so most of our bread that I make is not wheat free and this would include our pizza dough.

I feared that if I tried this my family would boycott the pizza party.

I had a few odd looks from my kids when I told them what the crust was made out of but the overall response was positive.

It helped that I made a homemade red sauce to accompany the cauliflower, bell pepper and zucchini crust.

Yep, I went there.  To that special place reserved for those of us trying to push the envelope with recipe development.  Could the crust handle two more added ingredients or would it change the dynamics of the crust and create a gooey glob of vegetables.

I guess it was a chance I was willing to take.  My gut told me it would work and it did.

The key to making this crust turn out is "less is best".  You must squeeze out every last drop of water from the vegetables that you can.  I used a towel and wrung it until my hands could not wring any more.  LOL  Next time I may recruit my hubby for this.

Does the crust replace a traditional pizza crust from NYC…heck no, but to those of us that are trying to eat less wheat, less carbs and eat a bit healthier, this is a great alternative to try once in a while.

Recipe:  Cauliflower and Zucchini Pizza Crust

6 cups of raw cauliflower, chopped finely, I use my food processor
1 cup of zucchini, chopped finely, I use my food processor
1/2 cup of yellow bell pepper, chopped finely
1/4 cup of parmesan cheese, grated fine
4 oz or 1/2 cup of cream cheese, soft
1 egg, beaten
1/2 teaspoon of dried italian herbs
pinch of salt

Pizza Sauce, your choice
Pizza Toppings, your choice

I used my food processor to finely chop (rice) all of my vegetables.

Boil one inch of water in a large pot and add veggies.  Cook for 5 minutes.

Line a large colander or strainer with a thin dish cloth and pour vegetables into strainer.  BE VERY CAREFUL if you decide to squeeze the veggies at this point without letting them cool first, you will burn your hands, trust me, I already did the first time.

Two things can be done: let the vegetables cool for 15 minutes or rinse them with cold water.  You decide.

Gather up the edges of the towel and start wringing out the water.  Even when you think you have done all you can do, try again.  It should be as dry as possible.

Take a large bowl and add cheese, cream cheese, egg, herbs and salt.  Mix well.

Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and dump the "dough" in the middle of the pan.

Using your hands, push the crust until you have the desired thickness.  I went for a 1/4 inch. Your hands will get messy and sticky.

Your crust should look like this before it is baked.

Bake for 40 minutes at 400 degrees.  The crust will have a golden appearance.

Add your sauce, cheese and toppings and bake for an additional 10 minutes.

Cut your pizza like any other crusted pizza with a pizza wheel. The crust will be easier to pick up and eat if cooled for a few minutes.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pizza Dip

My kids request this all the time, especially when they are having friends over on Friday and Saturday nights.

I think this is for two reasons.  One: it's cheesy and creamy.  Two: the leftovers make excellent midnight snacks.

I will buy a couple loaves of french bread to serve with the dip or make my own.  A great recipe for rustic white bread, in under an hour, can be found here.

I make the base and let the kids add their favorite toppings.

You can customize this with different cheeses, toppings, meats and veggies.  Have fun creating your version of "Pizza" dip.

Recipe: Pizza Dip

2-8 oz packages of cream cheese, soft
1 cup of mayonnaise
1 cup of mozzarella cheese + 1.5 cups for topping dip
1/4 cup of parmesan cheese
3 tablespoons of green onion
1 cup of pizza sauce or marinara (you can use less, we just like the sauce)
toppings:  pepperoni, olives, mushrooms, red onion, hamburger, bell pepper, bacon, etc…

Preheat oven to 350.

In a medium bowl, combine soft cream cheese, mayonnaise, 1 cup of mozzarella cheese, green onions and the parmesan cheese.  Stir well.

I use a round stone ware oven proof pan to cook my dips in.  It measures 12 inches across.  The smaller the pan the thicker the dip, the larger the pan would result in a thinner cream cheese base.  I have made both and they are both delicious.   The thicker dip may require a few more minutes to cook.

Spread the cheese mixture in the bottom of the pan first.

Spread the pizza sauce next.

Sprinkle the cheese over the sauce.

Decide on your toppings and scatter those around the top of the cheese.

Bake your dip for 25 minutes or until bubbly.

Serve with chunks of french bread.

This dip is very hot when it comes out of the oven. Please be careful.  The cheese makes it stringy and gooey.

Friday, May 4, 2012

146. Taco Pizza

The year must have been 1983 when I first had taco pizza.  I lived in a small town as a teenager named Molalla.  We were known as the Molalla Indians at my high school.  It was a logging town.

Early in the morning you could hear the rumble of the large log trucks, see the steam from the mills and smell the scent of fresh cut pine in the air.

Those were the days.

I would visit my aunt in the summers before we moved there ourselves.  I would spend numerous days riding my bike on the logging roads.  Yep, they had their own roads.  The trucks did a lot of damage to the highway roads plus it kept them from driving through town.  We had one blinking light.

There wasn't a  McDonalds, grocery store chains or new subdivisions.  Our population was about 2500.  It was great.

Our place to hang out was one of the largest gathering places in town, besides the local churches. Michaello's was the place to be after football games, after dates to enjoy the ice cream bar or to just hang out with your friends.  Their pizza's were nothing fancy but you could get a huge one for a good price.  They sold pop by the pitcher and for a teenager in the 80's that was a good thing.

Of course this has all changed. The population is around 7500, Safeway and McDonalds are both in town, they have a real stop light and the property is being sold to create more housing.

Through the years I have taco pizza in other towns and I enjoyed it just as much as that first time.  My family doesn't just love it but this week they were good sports and let me make it for them.  For a family that was on the fence about having it for dinner, they sure do know how to put it away…LOL

I made one and we had a few slices left over.

I made the crust a little bit different this time.  I used some masa harina in the dough.  I was a bit leary of trying something new.  It worked and the corn flavored flour added a lot of flavor to our taco pizza.

The recipe makes enough for two crust.  I used one and put the other in the fridge.  The next day I took it out, wrapped it around a few hotdogs, let it rise and baked for a few minutes at 425.

The dough has a cool feel to it.  It's doughy like pizza dough and can be rolled very easily but it also has the feel of homemade corn tortilla dough.  It breaks off easily and kind of grainy looking.  It reminded me of homemade playdough.

As with most pizza, you can use all types of toppings to make it your own.  I will share with you what I did.  It reminds me of a 7 layer taco dip but on a crust and with mozzarella cheese.


Recipe:  Pizza Taco

Dough, makes enough for two thin crust

1 tsp sugar
1 pkg. of yeast
1 1/2 cups of warm water
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
2 cups of flour
1 1/2 cups of masa harina
1 tsp. cumin

Proof your yeast by adding the yeast and sugar to your warm water.  Wait about 5 minutes for the foam to appear on the top of your water.  If this does not happen, your yeast may not be good or your water is too hot.  Start over.

In your kitchenaid with the dough hook, add the flours, salt, cumin, and proofed yeast.   Have a small amount of flour near by in case you need to add a bit more to the dough.

Set your kitchenaid to a medium speed and knead your dough for 8 minutes.  You want the dough to look like bread dough.  If it is not pulling together into a ball add a bit more flour or water until this is reached.  You will need the dough to be worked for the full 8 minutes.

In an oiled glass bowl, add your dough and let double.  Cover with plastic wrap.  Mine took an hour and a half.

Preheat your oven to 425.  If using a stone, let the stone heat up with your oven.

Roll your dough out on a floured surface until your desired size it reached.

Bake the dough for about 10 minutes.

Remove and add your toppings.


1 can of refried beans
1 can of black beans
1 jar of taco sauce (this is not salsa, it's similar to the sauce you might get at Taco Bell in the packets)
3 cups of mozzarella cheese, crated
1 small onion
1 small can of diced olives
lettuce, shredded
tomatoes, diced
jalapeno's, diced on the side
sour cream (optional)
corn chips, broken (optional)

Start layering your baked crust with your toppings.  I will show you with pictures the layers that I did.  You will need to bake your pizza again after you add the cheese layer.  Read below.

Heat your refried beans up first.  This makes it a lot easier to spread them onto your pizza.
I put the refried beans first so that the sauce would not all be soaked up by the crust.  This is one of my favorite parts of the pizza.

You don't have to add black beans but I already had an open can so I used them.

You can use a different type of cheese, but beware that cheddar is very greasy.  Mozzarella is a nice cheese to use even with a taco pizza.
At this point you want to bake your pizza for 10-12 minutes or until the cheese is melted.  Remove from oven and add your fresh ingredients.
Red onions and olives.


fresh tomatoes

I served the other ingredients on the side.


Donut Breakfast Casserole

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