, pub-2043536406869964, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Simply Gourmet: Seasoned Chicken Breast

Monday, July 9, 2012

Seasoned Chicken Breast

Some days you just don't want to cook, or maybe that is just me.  I wake up in the morning knowing that I have a few pieces of meat thawed in the fridge.  

I try to rub two brain cells together and come up with a fun, creative and new way of eating the same piece of meat I have been buying for 30 years.

Then, it hits me.  It's okay to make it simple and stick with what has worked in the past.

This is that dish I always fall back on.  WHY?

It's easy and can be used in many ways.  I have used this chicken in casseroles, in tacos, with pasta or served over a beautiful salad.  

I rarely change it up and stick with the same recipe every time.  That is a big deal in my world..LOL

This is not fancy but it's functional.  When your day is busy or your family is in and out, they can easily reach for a chicken breast or grab a cup of diced chicken pieces.

A simple piece of chicken can easily make any meal feel gourmet,  and without too much effort.

Recipe:  Seasoned Chicken Breast

3-4 Chicken Breast, boneless
1-2 tablespoons of olive oil
1/2 an onion, sliced
1/4 cup of diced green onions
1 tablespoon of minced garlic
Lawry's Seasoned Salt 

Find a pan that is large enough to hold your chicken breast.  Add oil.

I like my temperature to be set to medium and allow the pan and oil to heat up.  I use a stainless steel pan and the heat is an important aspect of cooking so that the meat does not stick.

Add your chicken breast, onions, garlic and spices.  Cook until the chicken releases easily when moved with a fork. (picture below)

Turn over the breast and re-season with salt, pepper and Lawry's Seasoned Salt. (picture below)

The total cooking time takes 12-15 minutes for a chicken breast that is less than an inch thick.

Before removing from the pan, check to make sure the chicken is fully cooked.  I usually cut a small slit in the back and spread with a knife and fork.  

Remove chicken to a plate and serve with pasta and sauce, over a green salad or as the filling for a taco.

The leftover onion, garlic and spices in the pan can be turned into a gravy by adding some flour and milk OR a nice wine to make a reduction.  


  1. This chicken breast recipe looks wonderful - I always need new chicken recipes to try on and I'd love to try yours next! Hope you had a wonderful vacation Sherron! I've been so busy with kids at home this summer and I really need a vacation real soon before I go crazy! :-)

    1. Thank you Nami. I did have a viewer try it that night and they enjoyed it very much. I am trying to share some of my easier recipes with my viewers. I sometimes get carried away with trying "fancy" stuff..LOL I always love to hear from you friend in SF.

  2. This is super easy, please send me more like this one.


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