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Showing posts with label appetizer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label appetizer. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Homemade Hummus

Hummus is something we always have in our refrigerator. My teenagers love it.

I have played around with a variety of flavor profiles but they always come back to the plain version. I think they enjoy the simple flavors of this tasty dip.

Carrots seem to be the dipping stick of choice in our home but certainly try your favorite veggie or cracker too.


Homemade Hummus
Makes 1 1/2 cups
Prep Time: 15 minutes

1 15.5 oz can of garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained
1/4 cup tahini paste
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1/2 lemon, juice only
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon white pepper
1/4 cup beef broth
1/4-1/2 cup olive oil

1.  Using a high powered blender or food processor add beans, tahini paste, garlic, broth, lemon juice and all of the spices.

2.  Pulse or blend until thick and creamy.

3.  Slowly add olive oil until the desired consistency is achieved.

4.  Season according to your flavor profile: more salt, more tahini, etc...

5.  Serve with pita chips or prepared vegetables.

As an added topping you can sprinkle toasted pine nuts, drizzle the top with olive oil, sprinkle with your favorite herb, etc... or just eat it plain with your favorite cracker or veggie.

Written by Sherron Watson

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Simple Gyoza's (dumplings)

When Cory and I were first married we were young and trying to find our way in this life.  We were not sure what to do for careers but we knew that we needed to go to college.  Being young and having to support ourselves in school we did what we thought was best: we joined the Air Force.  We did this for two reasons: school and to travel.

Well, Cory got to travel.  He was gone for 2 of the 4 years while I got to see Texas.  He did get his education after we full-filled our commitment.  We were so grateful for our time spent in the military and that he was able to serve our country.  He was in the Gulf War for 9 months.   During our time in the military, we met lots of wonderful families and friends.

One of the couples we became friends with, had just returned from Japan.  This young man returned with his Japanese wife to a foreign country and she spoke very little English.  We immediately became friends because my husband speaks Japanese.  He lived there as a child and served a mission there for two years.

When we first met, you could see the loneliness in her eyes and when Cory greeted her in Japanese she immediately got this beautiful smile….she found some friends.  Of course, I do not speak Japanese, outside of the few phrases I have learned over the years.

Our two families spent a lot of time together.  In the course of our friendship, we cooked together.  It was something that we both loved to do and also something that did not require us to know the other's language.  I could watch and learn and I did.

When she showed us how to make the gyozas…we were in love.  Cory was taken back to his time in Japan…the smells were delicious in the air.  He said he could close his eyes and feel as though he was in a home in Japan.  This was a special moment for him.

I could not believe how much work it was to make the gyoza's and together we knocked them out quite fast.  From that short friendship and moment in our lives, this recipe has been made thousands of times.  In 25 years I  make this recipe at least 4 or 5 times a year and each time I make the recipe I prepare about 200-250 unless I am hosting a party and then the number turns into 400-500.  Yes, it's crazy but the smile on my guest faces when they taste them…it's worth it!

Over the years my recipe has changed.  Primarily because I could not always get the "original" ingredients.  I am finding myself in this situation now.  I have been wanting to make these and share them with you for almost 6 months but I have had one problem:  the gyoza wrappers.  I can't find them anywhere in our new location.  It's so maddening!  I can find wonton wrappers and I have resisted this buy for months, until this week.

I tried to order the gyoza's online but they want a fortune for shipping…75.00 to ship 12 packages.  OUCH!  I asked Cory what he wanted for his birthday dinner and this is what he requested.  FINE, I will buy the wonton wrappers and make them work…but I am NOT taking a picture of them and sharing on the blog…RIGHT!!!

SO, here I am with my wonton wrappers, recipe, and pictures.  I finally told myself that it's ok to share because maybe others can't find the wrappers too.  Honestly, they tasted great and I could hardly tell the difference.  To my Japanese friends, please forgive me that I have used another wrapper…but, I could not refuse the request of my hubby for his special meal.

If you would like to see the "real" deal along with beautiful pictures and an original recipe please visit my friend Nami from Just One Cookbook. She is Japanese and has an amazing recipe that you can also check out for Gyoza's.

Over the years we have loved having Japanese students living in our home.  We love this culture and find ourselves having strong feelings and an abundance of love towards the people, the culture and especially, the food.  This always made them smile when I would make gyozas.

This was also the first time that we involved our kids in making the process.  I thought that it was about time for them to understand the labor that went into making something that they loved so much.  It's kind of like catching your dinner and then having to kill, clean and cook it.  Although I did not make them kill the pig for the pork (my neighbor did that).  We had a great time.  I treasure these times with my kids, especially as I know that their time under our roof is limited.  We talked about how, one day, they will look back and remember the times we made gyoza's together and hopefully they will teach their kids and have the same bonding experience.

This recipe is a keeper.  It's work, but if your involve many hands, it becomes fun and memorable.

Recipe:  Gyoza's (simple recipe)

1 pound of ground pork
1 head of cabbage ( I have used Napa and regular green cabbage over the years)
1 onion
lots of minced garlic (3-4T)
1/3 cup soy sauce
2 T. Mirin Sauce

Oil, for cooking
water, for steaming
3-4 packages of Gyoza wrappers (round ones if you can find them)

Dipping Sauce:

soy sauce

Your Gyoza wrappers should be set out at room temperature for at least an hour before you start to wrap the gyozas.  If they are cold the wrappers have a tendency to break or tear.  Just my opinion from over the years of making them.

You will want to shred your cabbage very thinly then make sure the pieces are small….do not use a food processor and turn your cabbage into mush.  It should be small pieces.  See pictures below to gage the size.

Finely chop your onion.  Add the onion, garlic, pork, cabbage, Mirin sauce  and soy sauce into one large bowl.  NOTE: I do not measure my ingredients for this recipe.  The soy sauce  is an estimate.  You want your mixture to look like it is coated with soy sauce, a light brown in color.  MIX all of the ingredients well.  I use my hands to do this because I want the pork and cabbage mix to be really combined.

This is the pork that my neighbor gave to us.  I also use ground pork from the butcher.

This really is a team effort.  We try to involve as many people as possible when making these morsels of yumminess.  I have a large bowl for the meat/cabbage mix and then each person gets a spoon, a small bowl of water and a tray.

With your spoon, take a small amount and place in the center of wrapper.  Wet the edges all the way around and fold over one side.  You can real fancy and put tucks into the edges or simply seal the wrapper.  For my immediate family we do not tuck, but for fancy dinners and guest…I tuck!

I have cookie sheets lined with parchment paper and start putting our creations into rows.  Without the parchment paper they will stick to the metal of the cookie sheet and get gooey.

Once your gyoza's are made you can start to cook them.  In the past I have had a large covered electric skillet.  This is the best way to cook them.  You can also steam or boil them.  My family does not like them this way so I don't use either of these cooking styles.

For this dinner I was forced to use two pans because my electric skillet died and I have not replaced it, plus I forgot about that until I was ready to cook them…LOL  Guess whats on my list to buy?

In your pan, put a small amount of oil.  Place your gyoza's and cook about 3 minutes on each side.  We do both sides because we like ours a little bit crispy.  After both sides are cooked, add 1/4 cup of water to each set cooked and place a lid on top.  You want to steam the gyoza's for a few minutes.

I usually set my oven to warm, place an oven proof pan inside, and add my batches until I have enough to feed my family.

I serve the gyoza's with white rice and the dipping sauce.  I like my sauce twangy, so I do a bit more vinegar than most.

Your house will smell wonderful, your friends and family will be stuffed, you will be eyeing the leftovers for tomorrows breakfast ( yes, because they don't make it to lunch) and you will already be planning when to make these again.

Written by Sherron Watson

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fried Pickles with Wicked Awesome Sauce

Who eats Fried Pickles you ask?  WE DO and love them!  

On July 24, 2010, we left on our 1-year adventure of living on the road and traveling with our kids.  We hit 15 states in 10 months.  We were shy of our goal by 2 months.  I was bummed but understood the need for a job...LOL  Cory was offered a job in Maryland that we could not pass up.  Plus the kids were a little bit done with the whole traveling and sightseeing thing. I could live this life forever.  I am a gypsy at heart.

I love to travel and try new things.  I enjoy meeting new people and sharing with others.  I crave diversity.   I love cultural traditions, ethnic food and the feeling of being somewhere new and exciting.

We learned so much on our trip.  More than I think we ever thought possible when we set out.  We bonded with our kids, who we learned were awesome teenagers!  They were and still are, very funny.  We laughed so much on our trip.  We fell in love with some areas and disliked a few.  The number one reason that we disliked "a few" was the humidity.  East Texas is freaking hot in August!  The water in the lakes was so warm that you could not even cool off and the nights...UGH!  It was like nothing I had ever experienced in my life.  I kept thinking to myself " why the heck do these people stay here?"  But I soon learned that you stay because that is where your heart is, your family and you do get used to it...eventually.

We spent time at the beach...OUR favorite place!

We loved Austin!  This was the bat kayak tour we went on.

We visited the UT campus where Cory went to college and the surrounding parks.

We lived in heaven.  This was how we spent most of our year, in the woods and living with nature.

I bring up Texas because this is the place that I first had fried pickles.  I will never forget it.  We had gone to The Texas Roadhouse and when we both saw this on the menu we had to give it a try.  We were not disappointed. I craved them from that point on.  I never made them while in the trailer though.  I did not do a lot of deep frying in the kitchen.

It wasn't until I started following food blogs and seeing other bloggers making them that I thought about making them myself.  I surprised the kids last week and yesterday my daughter asked for them again.  I love that!  So today I will make a quick batch, think about our trip and count the calories...LOL

Fried Pickles

Dill Pickles ( I buy the large pickles and slice them or you can buy the pre-sliced version)
Seasoned Fry Mix ( I used the GF  Hodgson Mill brand)
2 eggs
1/4 cup of milk or buttermilk

For a quick treat (4 people) I plan on two large pickles per person.  If you do more pickles you will need to add more eggs and milk to the recipe.

I slice the pickles into 1/4 inch pieces.  I put the eggs and milk in one bowl, whip them together.  I grab a second bowl and add the fry mix.

On the stove, add oil to a large pot. I like to use a pot because when you add the pickles to the oil, it boils up and the sides on the pot allow me to not worry about it bubbling over onto my stove.  I add enough oil to create a 2-inch deep-frying area.

I dip my wet pickle into the fry mix, dip it into the egg/milk, dip it again in the fry mix.  It creates a nice crunchy coating.

Fry the pickles until they are golden to medium brown. I like mine crispy so they tend to be a little bit browner than most.

Remove cooked pickles to a plate with paper towels.  This will soak up the extra oil.

I served my pickles with a sauce I made.  I named it Wicked Awesome Sauce.  LOL

**If you don't have a fry mix on hand, use flour with some salt and pepper.  If making it GF use White Rice flour or Brown Rice flour.

Recipe:  Wicked Awesome Sauce

1/2 cup mayonnaise
1T. Sriracha sauce (oh yes,  it's gonna be hot)
1 tsp of horseradish sauce

Mix the three ingredients together.  YUMMY! 

Written by Sherron Watson

Monday, July 18, 2011

Easy Guacamole

Gluten-Free Easily requested some yummy recipes with very few ingredients, this was the recipe I shared with her.  I have checked out the other recipes and they look awesome!  Go check them out.  You can find my contribution to her blog here.  I have also shared this recipe with my friend,  Chef in Disguise and her blog a few months back.

It was one year ago this week that my family and I did something CRAZY!  We sold all of our belongings, rented out our home and bought a travel trailer.  Destination unknown.....We set off towards Texas because my Hubster (that's what I call him) had some work options.  We landed in Texas for 6 months.  Texas is quite large and so we explored every detail...Gulf of Mexico, Austin, Dallas, East Texas and we drove through the west side.  During our travels we were introduced to lots of TEX-MEX and it was HOT, HOT, HOT!

We learned to eat a lot of foods that were not cooked.  Even with air conditioning, it was unbearable to heat up the trailer.  Our go-to food soon became fruits, salads, and guacamole.  We love avocados.  this is a recipe that I just recently made for our family.  It does not matter how much I make, it never lasts more than a few hours in our home.  ENJOY!


4-6 ripe Avocados
1/2 bunch of Cilantro
1/2 red onion, diced
1 tsp. fresh Lime Juice
3/4 tsp. garlic powder
1/8 tsp. pepper
Salt to taste

Cut the avocado in half, remove the seed.  Using a spoon, remove avocado and add to large mixing bowl. Dice red onion.  Add onion, lime juice, garlic powder, pepper, and salt.  I use 2 butter knives and cut the mixture in a criss-cross pattern.  We like chunky guacamole.  Continue until the consistency is to your preference.   I tend to have to add more salt to mine.   Serve with chips, on hamburgers or with salads.

Written by Sherron Watson

Donut Breakfast Casserole

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