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Showing posts with label Quinoa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quinoa. Show all posts

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Quinoa Fruit Salad #2 with a Creamy Yogurt Dressing #SundaySupper

Summer is here and we are just chillin' on this gorgeous holiday weekend.  I can't believe how cool and utterly perfect the chill in the air in Maryland is right now.  We are normally in the high 90's and maybe even in the triple digits this time of year and the humidity is off the charts--like you could cut it with a butter knife but not this year--YAHOO!

For Sunday Supper we are sharing a group of recipes that are refreshing and cool--just like our weather at the moment.  I made some quinoa salad this past week and this was our families favorite of the two fruit salads that I made.  I like this one too because the dressing is light but the kids like this one because the dressing is creamy.  

I hope you enjoy this easy and delicious salad.  Feel free to experiment with a variety of fruit combinations.  I made this again for the 4th and used cherries, blueberries , jicama and kiwi.  I also changed the quinoa to a triple combination of red, white and black.  I like a salad where the ingredients can be juggled based on what you have at home.  This is one of those that allows you to use a variety of your favorite flavor combinations.

To find a slew of other COOL desserts, go to the end of this post. 


Quinoa Fruit Salad #2 with a Creamy Yogurt Dressing 
Makes about 4 cups of salad

1 cup of prepared (cooked) quinoa
3 cups of fruit: peeled, chopped or sliced
1/2 cup Greek Gods Honey Yogurt (this is the brand I use)
2-3 tablespoons Lemon Balsamic Vinegar (buy the good stuff)
pinch of salt (optional)

1.  Prepare quinoa according to directions on the package.  RINSE and rinse and then RINSE again.  I rinse my quinoa about 4 times.  I even let it sit on the table for a few minutes just to be sure that I get the bitter flavor washed away.

2.  Dice, slice, peel, and cube the fruit of your choice.  I used for this salad: kiwi, jicama matchsticks, peaches and raspberries.

3.  In a small bowl whisk together yogurt and balsamic vinegar.  The flavor of the balsamic can also be varied.  I think that lemon and lime pair well with the quinoa.

4.  In a medium bowl combine the dressing, quinoa and fruit.  TOSS!  Taste and adjust the dressing.  I like ours to be light enough to see the fruit but my kids thought the opaque version of the dressing was better--LOL  You decide.

5.  Serve.  Keep in refrigerator if not served right away.

Summer Chillin’ with My Sunday Supper Friends

Brisk Beverages
Chilled Starters
Snappy Salads and Sides
Refreshing Main Dishes
Cool Confections
CSunday Supper Movement Join the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. Check out our#SundaySupper Pinterest board for more fabulous recipes and food photos. Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy. You can sign up by clicking here—>Sunday Supper Movement.
Written by Sherron Watson

Donut Breakfast Casserole

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