, pub-2043536406869964, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Simply Gourmet

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Spinach and Artichoke Dip

Yesterday was Mother's Day.  I had a splendid time with my family doing and going all day long.

We woke up early to hit the Farmer's Market in downtown Annapolis.  While downtown we stopped for coffee and crepes.  OH BOY were  THEY GOOD!  

I met a gentleman at his milk booth.  I was advised by the Italian bread man to go and get some freshly homemade butter.  In his opinion, it was the best.  I made my way around to the booths and stopped to talk to the Nice man.  You see, his farm is called Nice Farms Creamery.  He was young and enthusiastic about what he was doing.  He explained to me that the butter had been made that morning at around 2:30 am.  The milk had been milked yesterday from 30+ cows on his property, the cream separated in house and used to make the butter.  He had me at butter!  I went on to purchase a gallon of grass-fed beef milk. 

He took great measures to explain to me just how to drink his milk.  I needed to shake it before pouring each glass.  He also mentioned the color and possible taste variation due to his cows being grass-fed. The milk was a light yellow.  As for the taste, it was fantastic!  Cory said it reminded him of milk he drank as a kid.  

I am happy to have a local farmer that can provide our family with milk and butter. He is just over the bridge (Bay Bridge) from our home. I am able to get his goods at two different Farmer Market's in the Annapolis area.

I feel good about supporting local farmers in our area because they provide a valuable service to our community.

The day took us next to get new tires for our car.  FUN, huh?  Sometimes, despite a holiday, we still need to do everyday things.  The day before Cory took the car in for an oil change and the tires to be rotated.  The oil change was quick.  The tire rotation was an issue.  Our tires on the front were wearing good on the outside but the inside tread was rotted in parts.  We learned that our car, which is a 2008, was sold to us with 2002 tires!  UM, how does this happen?  

Our car was not safe to drive.  Cory immediately made an appointment for Sunday.  I think he felt bad because it was on Mother's Day but it did not bother me.  We were able to spend a few hours together while the kids were at home.  It was Finnley's nap time, Rye was studying, Drake was sleeping and Isabella was watching her favorite show.  

The day was proving to be beautiful. The temperatures stayed at around 75 degrees, the sun was shining and we had the whole day before us. As a group, we decided to head to the beach. Oh, we do love the sand and water.

I love watching the waves hit the shore and to hear the kids laughing as they splash and swim. Our two little kids are growing up with sand in their toes...and hair...and belly buttons...and everywhere. This makes me happy.

We returned home and watched a movie. I can't say that Phenomena was the best movie to watch on Mother's Day but it was a good movie. A true story about a mother who is forced to give her son up for adoption and the process of her discovering who he became. I don't want to give too much away.  The beginning is sad but by the end you are left with some sadness but a sense that this Mother felt that everything had come full circle.

It was lunch time and we were all hungry. I decided that I wanted to make something that featured the flavors of lemon and ricotta. I see these recipes everywhere and the flavor combination has my mouth watering with each picture that I come across. We made this recipe HERE for Lemon Ricotta Cheese Stuffed French Toast Crepes by Half Baked Harvest. They were delicious!

My day was perfect.  I enjoyed the time spent with my kids and husband.  I love how relaxed the day proved to be despite how busy we were.    

Our day ended with my favorite dip.  I love the combination of spinach and artichoke together.  I have tried a ton of recipes and for some reason they don't always taste great to me.

I decided that I needed to make my own.  I am looking for a lot of artichoke heart pieces--not just a small bit here or there.  I want to see the spinach.  I definitely want to taste the cheese.   The ingredients are all the same that you will find with any spinach and artichoke recipe but the amounts used for each recipe will vary.  This is how you attain the preferred flavor and texture that we are all looking for.

Honestly, I just want a powerful punch of flavor with each bite.  This recipe provides that for me and I hope that it does the same for you.  It is just as good warmed up the next day or prepared in a crock-pot to be served at a company party or friend gathering.

The key is to use the best ingredients that you can find.  I use a parmesan cheese that has been aged for 24 months.  It has a sharp and poignant flavor and smell.  I use fresh spinach.  I use fresh garlic.

By all means use the ingredients that you can find, just know, that the ingredients in any recipe can make or break any recipe.  

Enjoy this cheesy dip!

Spinach and Artichoke Dip

1-8oz package of cream cheese, soft
1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese
1/2  cup grated mozzarella cheese for dip
1/2 cup grated mozzarella for topping
1/4 cup sour cream
1-12 oz jar of marinated artichoke hearts, drained
1 cup fresh baby spinach leaves
1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 teaspoon salt
dash of pepper

1.  Preheat oven to 350.  Spray the inside of a 7X11 or equivalent baking dish.

2.  Add all of the ingredients to a medium size bowl and mix well.

3.  Add mixture to baking dish and top with remaining mozzarella cheese.  Cover with foil.

4.  Bake dip for 30 minutes or until bubbly and edges are brown (see photo above).

5.  Serve with your favorite tortilla chips, pita chips, toasted bread rounds or crackers.

Written by Sherron Watson

Friday, May 9, 2014

Sifting Through Life: Popup Tent Trailer Makeover and Breakfast Burritos

Recipe at the end.

I love trailer life.  I must because I lived in one for a whole year with my family of five in 2010.  To make that dream come true we had to do a lot of soul searching and sacrifices to make sure we were making the right decision for our family and for our kids.

I still stand by our final choice of taking the trip and I have no regrets in doing so.  It was a time in our lives when we had nothing to lose financially.  Life presented a set of problems for us to overcome and we made the best of it.

I guess you could say we were handed a basket of lemons and we made a lemon meringue pie instead of lemonade.  Our ideas of thinking outside the box have carried there share of confusion from our close friends and family.  Living a nomadic life for a year was up there with "totally crazy!"

I will share more of our time on the road and the sacrifices we made to make that happen in a later post. This post is about our new trailer.

Our new adventure.

Sometimes I get these ideas in my head that seem so ridiculous that I wonder if I am actually going crazy.  It is not any surprise that when I mentioned to my older kids that I wanted to buy another trailer they immediately fled the room.  Teenagers and trailers are like mixing oil and water together or at least that is how my two see it.

To this day they won't admit that our time in the trailer was fun.  I secretly know that it was the best adventure we could have experienced with our kiddies.

I immediately explained to them that I was not shopping for a large trailer but a small one.  Something that we could use for weekends.  A small popup tent trailer that we could use to enjoy the outdoors without sleeping on the hard ground.  I wanted a place that we could escape to that would not cost us a small fortune each time we wanted to use it.

I needed a way to escape the doldrums of every day life.  My hope is that the kids will embrace this new trailer and join us for some fun family time.  I have a feeling I may be waiting a while for them to jump on board.  LOL

I can tell you who IS excited beyond belief.  That is Isabella.  Oh my, she is ready to leave yesterday and start living on the road again.  My little gypsy. I love her sweet spirit and willingness to experience life with wide open arms.

So how did I end up with this ugly trailer?  I am not too proud to admit that it was ugly, stinky and well used.  It needed TLC and a lot of it.  The transformation took a few weeks.

 I love it!

In February, a lady in our community, posted a popup trailer on our neighborhood site.  A lot of people had expressed interest in the trailer.  She had it priced really well.  I jumped at the chance to add my name to the long list of hopeful tent trailer owners.  I was a bit disappointed that after a few days there was not any response to me or any of the other neighbors.

Looking to the left when you walk into the trailer.

I accepted the fact that I was not going to get that trailer but it had the wheels in my head spinning.  I couldn't think about anything else.  Summer was quickly approaching and I knew that if I was going to get something finished in a short amount of time I needed to purchase a trailer soon.

Cory had just come home from a trip.  He was tired and overwhelmed.  I had been home with a new baby for five days by myself so I was in the same boat.  In my eagerness to win him over to the idea of purchasing a trailer I mentioned to him that I had bid on a popup trailer and was patiently waiting for the lady to get back to us.  I added, "wouldn't it be nice to have a place to relax in the woods?"

He was pleasantly accepting of the idea and we chatted about what we wanted and how much we were willing to spend on our little "home away from home".

Those dang budgets!  We set out to look at what something new would cost us.  I think we were also curious as to what new gadgets the market was selling this year.  Like with cars, trailers are always being improved with the latest and greatest new "thingy".

I found the tent trailers to be priced within our budget but I didn't want to pay that much for something I felt we could get used and update.  I love the renovation aspect of these DIY projects.

We came home with lots of ideas but no trailer.  The next day Cory took our rent over to our landlord and came rushing through the front door, out of breath, telling me I needed to leave right now.

Hold on just a minute there buster brown...why all of the rushing around?

 He had something to show me.  A trailer.  Okay then, lets go!

It turned out that our landlord's neighbor had a trailer for sale but we had to buy it right then for a $1,000 dollars or he was going to list it on craigslist for the original asking price of $1800.00  That was a huge savings in my mind and very much in our budget with a lot to spare.

To make a long story short, we bought the trailer.

First things first, it needed to be painted.  I came home and that night started searching for popup trailer renovations on Pinterest.  I started a board here.  I know this won't be my last project trailer and so having one area to keep track of my ideas is going to save me in the long run.

I had all of these wild ideas of going with a bright red color and then the reality of living inside of a drop of blood wasn't as inviting as I originally thought.  I stuck with white and I am so glad that I did.

It immediately transformed the inside to something new and fresh.  We used a primer to make sure that all of the brown wood was covered.  It took 2-3 coats on each surface.  I even painted the side bunk boards.

Along with the dingy brown interior the trailer had a musty smell.  I was thankful that the combination of painting the walls, cleaning the insides and washing all of the covers helped this to go away.

After painting the trailer I decided to tear down all of the curtains.  They were the original set and so thread bare in parts that I am surprised they did not fall off of the tracks themselves.  I had plans of also making new covers for each of the cushions.

It is amazing how little time I was able to squeeze out of each day to work on the trailer.  I became a bit discouraged in thinking that maybe I had bit off more than I was able to handle with a crawling baby under foot.

In the end it all worked out but the work did require me to take a weekend to paint the inside and a separate weekend to make all of the slip covers and curtains.   I believe I have slowed down at this stage of my life.

I toyed with the idea of going with a red, white and blue theme. I felt that since the tables were blue I didn't want something that would clash with this color.  I eventually found the color scheme that you see in the pictures.  I did not find the fabric in traditional places though.  I went to several fabric stores and could not find what I wanted.

Looking to the right when you walk into the trailer.
On a recent outing to Target we were going up and down the aisles and I found myself looking at shower curtains.  There before me was exactly what I wanted: greens and blues.  The stripe that you see on the table cushions is what inspired the rest.  I found everything else in the bedding and kitchen section of Target.

I have tried to put prices and short explanations on each photo so that you can have an idea of what I did and how much it cost.  Overall, the trailer was a $1,000 , all of the fabric and hardware estimated to be about $300 and I spent another $300 on things to put into the trailer: a new grill, a percolator, and new flash lights.  We still have to purchase new tires which we are estimating those to be about $200.00 for the pair.

I hope that someone will find this helpful.  I had a hard time find sites that I felt would help me to redo the trailer.  Let me know if you have questions and I will do my best to reply and answer them.


Bee Pillows: $40.00 for two fromTarget.

My kids would eat pancakes and bacon on every camping trip, but sometimes, especially if it is only for one night, I don't want to make a huge breakfast.

I make these instead.  I can pre-make most of the filling of the burrito at home.  This makes the morning assembling process much easier when you have tired and cold kids (or adults).

The only thing I make the morning of are the scrambled eggs.  This is just a personal preference, you could make them before without any issue.  I bring a pan, some butter, and the eggs.  I place my cast iron pan over the grate above the morning fire to preheat the pan.  I add the butter, eggs and cook until firm.

When the fire is ready I place all of the ingredients on the table along with heavy-duty foil squares.  Everyone gets a tortilla and they can start making their own burrito.  Use a Sharpie to tell which burrito belongs to who if you have a large crowd.

It is that easy.  These can also be made at home on the outside grill or inside the oven.

Breakfast Burritos

Makes 1 burrito

2 slices of bacon or 1 sausage patty
1/4 cup cooked hashbrowns
1 scrambled egg
grated cheese, optional
salsa, optional
1 flour tortilla, small

*If using large tortillas then you made need a bit more of the above ingredients to fill the burrito.

1.  Prepare heat source: grill, oven or open fire.

2.  Use heavy duty foil to wrap each burrito in.  Cut size according to tortilla size.

3.  Lay out the filling ingredients on the table.

4.  Have each person make their burrito.  Wrap the burrito's really well.

5.  Lay the burrito's on the heat source.  I would recommend not putting them directly into the fire unless you are willing to watch the closely.  Sitting them on some kind of grate works best.

6.  Let cook on each side for 2-3 minutes.  The cheese should be melted and the insides warm.

7.  Serve immediately.  Store leftovers in cooler.

Written by Sherron Watson

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Easy Frozen Yogurt

This frozen yogurt is a family favorite.

I love that it only has two ingredients and that each person can make their own favorite flavor.

We use our Vitamix to combine the two ingredients but any high powered blender or food processor will do the job too.

The key to getting a soft serve texture is using frozen fruit.  If you want the yogurt to be hard, as seen in the pictures, then it will need to be made before you serve it and stored in the freezer for a few hours.

In the pictures I used three different flavors: cherry, blueberry and peach.  The blueberry is the pink version with dark specks (the blue skin).

Enjoy this simple dessert.

Easy Frozen Yogurt

Makes 1 1/2 cups
Prep Time: 10 minutes

NOTE:  Can be served immediately as a soft serve or frozen for 2 hours to reach a hard consistency (as seen in picture).

1 cup frozen fruit: peaches, mangos, berries, etc
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon honey or real maple syrup

1.  In a food processor or high powered blender, combine the three ingredients until well blended.

2.  Serve with toppings, plain or with your favorite sauce.

3.  Store leftovers in freezer.

Written by Sherron Watson

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Citrus, Dill and Salmon Kabobs

Several times each year I desire to enlighten my soul by resting my body and mind. Taking myself on an internal journey to find the beauty within by attending a few hours in a spa recommitting myself to fitness, health, relaxation and inner peace.

There is something magical that happens when you enter through the front doors of a spa. The calming music that is playing in the background gives you permission to leave your thoughts and worries at the doorstep.  Neutral colors, aromatherapy, and the trickling sounds of nature are all experiences that I look forward to when I enter the serene environment of a retreat.  A sanctuary to rejuvenate, revitalize and restore my mind and body.

A few years ago Cory and I decided that we would gift to each other a couples massage for our anniversary.  I found a spa close to our home that would allow us to use our lunch hour.  I wasn’t sure how this would work or if we would even enjoy the experience.  To our surprise the experience was amazing!  I would recommend this to all of my friends.

There are ways to bring this spa environment into our own homes when our lives get busy and too full to add one more event to our schedules.  Sometimes staying home is the only alternative. The question arises, how do we do this?

I believe we would all have different answers as to what would bring us to a calming state of mind.   In my own home I have invested in candles, essential oils, body scrubs, a beautiful robe, music that calms my spirit and a few spa inspired recipes.

Spa cuisine has a certain expectation for me.  We need bright, fresh and colorful dishes that remind us to stay on a healthy course.  I need to feed my spirit with a healthy philosophy.  This will ensure my journey to a calming inner glow is achieved.

My family and I are always striving to live with a healthy philosophy about our food choices.   The recipes today are a reflection of those choices.  Our everyday diets are filled with lots of fruit and vegetables, healthy fats, natural sweeteners and lean meats. 
Our mindfulness of what we put into our bodies allows us to stay active and nourished. 

Let me share with you a few ideas that can easily be followed when you are capturing the spirit of spa cuisine in your own home.

  1. Chose quality foods.  Pamper yourself with a few favorites.
  2. Avoid processed food.  Stay with fresh ingredients.
  3. Make spa water.  Add a few mint leaves and lemon slices to dazzle your water intake for the day.
  4. Use local ingredients when possible.
  5. Relax.  Close your eyes and clear your mind.  Enjoy your food!

Spa food is not about limiting what you eat but reintroducing modifications to how you eat.  Make choices that will feed your body, soul and mind.  It is not about being this way or that way but more about feeling complete and whole. 

I had left over pieces of salmon that were not suitable for skewering.  I went ahead and grilled them anyways.  I added the roasted dill and a wedge of lemon.  It was perfect!
Citrus, Dill and Salmon Kabobs

Makes 6-8
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Bake Time: 15 minutes

1 pound salmon filet, remove skin and cube
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
Pepper to taste
2 whole lemons, sliced thin
1 grapefruit, peeled and cubed
Fresh dill
Olive Oil


1.  Soak skewers for 30 minutes in cold water.

2.  Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  Place a baking rack inside a cookie sheet. 

3.  Season both sides of salmon (skin removed) with onion powder, salt and pepper. Prepare salmon, lemon and grapefruit according to ingredient list above.

4.  Add salmon, grapefruit chunks and lemon slices to skewers in any order.

5.  With a pastry brush, brush each skewer with olive oil.  Lay long stems of dill next to each skewer.  See picture.

6.  Bake for 12-15 minutes.  Try not to over bake.

7.  Crush baked dill over each skewer and serve.

Written by Sherron Watson

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Gluten Free Cheddar and Green Olive Bites

I first posted this recipe three years ago when I started my blog.  The idea was to share with my family and friends recipes that I grew up eating and enjoying.  These little bites of deliciousness were considered comfort food in my family and of course I wanted this recipe written down for my posterity.

To this day when we all get together, the three sisters, we have to make a batch...and sometimes two batches. They just remind us of home. They bring about memories that join our hearts together in a virtual wave of laughter, tears and endurance as we sit around the table and chat about our younger selves.

I have tried to share my love of green olives with my kids and they have decided that this is one part of me they don't want anything to do with. I am slightly heart broken that my kids don't like olives. I love olives. I have yet to taste or try an olive that I don't love.

I eat olives in my sandwiches, on my taco's, in my lasagna, as a snack, with salads, diced up by the spoonful (I mostly do this with black olives). I am an olive addict.

Each and every time I go to Whole Foods I am tempted by the olive bar. Did you know they have a huge variety of olives: black, red, green, stuffed, marinated, pitted, unpitted?

My daughter knows the look I get as I enter the area. My eyes are bouncing between the different rows, slightly narrowing as I attempt to read each label for the name and variety. My hand slowly reaches for the large plastic container and then it twitches back to the small. Large or small--I cant' decide. What will it be this week? I hesitate between the two and finally settle on the small container which leaves me with a limited amount of real-estate to stack my olives.  I hand select a few of the bright green olives and then go towards the feta cheese mix and then to the super duper large pitted marinated black olives.

AND. AND. AND....I want them all.

I have learned that my eyes are much larger than my stomach and I need to stick with just a few to get me through the week.

Heaven!  That is what the olive bar is for me.  A mixture of sweet and tangy flavors.  Olive flesh that is firm and soft in my mouth and to the touch.  The variety of saltiness that each type is brined with makes pairing the olives with cheese, fruit, salami and crackers, a wonderful way to experiment with different flavor profiles.  

Have I bored you yet with olive love?  I hope not.  The Cheddar and Green Olive bites are a great appetizer, a quick snack during the day or just a meal.  Yep, I have eaten a whole tray as my dinner on more than one occasion.  

I make these bites two different ways.  You can see from the pictures that I have made them using a mini size muffin pan or by hand rolling them into small balls.  Either method works well. 

The reason I use the mini muffin pan is because the dough holds up well and pushing the olive down into the dough is a bit quicker when I am in a hurry. I also like the shape it produces when I am serving these to our guest.

The hand rolling method does take a bit more time and they are not all uniform in shape and size. The dough tends to spread out a bit more and you are left with a blob bite.   Ha, that is a funny description.  Blob bite!!

If you love the flavor of sharp cheddar cheese and green olives I am encouraging you to give these a try.  They can be made with regular all purpose flour too.  Substitute one cup of all purpose flour for the rice flour, tapioca starch and xanthan gum.   The measurements for the Old English jar cheese, butter and baking powder are the same.

I am going to make a suggestion and this will produce a better cheddar bite.  You should use a high quality butter.  I know it is tempting to substitute something else, but for me, they don't always turn out perfect when I use a butter that has a lower fat content.  European-Style butter tends to offer more flavor, better texture and the fat content is higher.  I used Kerrygold Irish Butter in this recipe.  This is not a paid post.  I really do use this butter for special dishes and this is a special dish in my family.  


Gluten Free Cheddar and Green Olive Bites
Makes 20-25, depending on method and size of each bite

1 small jar of green olives with pimentos, drained
6 tablespoons of cold butter, grated
1-5oz jar of Old English cheese, cold
1/2 cup fine white rice flour
1/2 cup tapioca starch
1/4 teaspoon xanthan gum
1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1.  Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  Prepare pans.  If using a mini muffin pan, spray with non stick spray.  If using a cookie sheet I usually lay a piece of parchment down.

2.   Spread olives on paper towels to dry.
3.  In a medium bowl combine all of the dry ingredients.  Blend well.

4.  Add the jar of Old English cheese and grated butter.  I used a pastry blender to cut the butter and cheese into the dry ingredients.  They will start to combine to form a thick dough.  Try not to over blend.

5.  Take a small amount of dough and form a flat disc in your palm.  Add the olive and wrap the dough around the olive to form a ball.  Place on cookie sheet every 2 inches.  If using the mini muffin pan, use a cookie scoop and add the dough to each mini muffin spot and push a green olive into the middle.

6.  Bake the bites for 10-12 minutes.  Try not to over bake.  Remove bites to a cooling rack.

7.  Serve immediately or microwave for a few seconds before serving them at a later time.

Written by Sherron Watson

Monday, April 28, 2014

Opened-Faced Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and 26 Years of Wedded Bliss

Wedded bliss?

You bet!

Smooth Sailing?


Crazy days, long stretches, enduring years, sleepless nights, changing personalities, ups and downs in finances and the best roller coaster ride of a lifetime is what the last 26 years have been.

Through it all we have remained the best of friends, parents and lovers.  Friends can laugh and say things to each other that lovers cannot.   In the heat of the moment emotions and feelings come under attack and our walls of defense become stronger and more fortified when we fear that we may lose that friendship.  We communicate with our "friend voice" when issues arise.  We try to always keep things friendly.

This past year has been our rockiest to date; but also the most compelling.


We have come of age.  The age when we just don't give a shit anymore and life is passing us by faster than we care to admit.  The age when we sit back and say, "I am too old for this" or "life is too short to keep beating a dead dog with the same stick".

That coming of age. We both arrived there at the same time last year while I was pregnant.  We had a sit down discussion that lasted into the night. Our talk was honest, real and raw.

We asked ourselves, and each other, some serious questions:

Is this going to last?

Do you want out?

Is our love strong enough to make it another 25 years?

To answer these questions we had to be painfully honest with each other.  It hurt.  There were a few tears (I was 5 months pregnant).  We laughed.  We promised.

At the end of the night we concluded that it will last, that neither of us wanted out and we hoped, with all  of our hearts, that we will get another 25 years together.

Our son, Drake, made an interesting observations this past year too.  He said to us, "Your relationship is different.  You act like friends most of the time.  My friends are amazed that you are still married after only dating for two weeks and marrying two months later.  They don't get it."

I looked at him and said, " You're right.  We have remained  the best of friends. I will always love your Dad but with any relationship you have to have a firm foundation. The love that we started with is not the same love that we have today but our friendship has remained the same."

Our foundation is friendship sprinkled with love, passion, responsibility, longevity, endurance, fun, adventure, kids, laughter and lots of "benefits"--insert smiley with a wink. 

I love Cory more today than any other time in my life.  When they say that a person's love only gets stronger with each passing year, it is true.  He is a fantastic father.   A hard worker.  A powerful influence for good in our family.  He is a very spiritual man.  His heart is pure with the best of intentions.   He is the strength in our family.  He carries a lot of weight on his shoulders to be a good provider for our kids.

Simply put--We love him. 

Cory makes me a better person.  He allows me to be the spice in his life; sweet like sugar and fiery as chili pepper powder.  He lets me be me.

Today I am sharing his favorite sandwich.  It just happens to be National Grilled Cheese Month and this worked out great because I also got a surprise box from Kerrygold Cheese.   (Not a paid post)  The stars just aligned perfectly and this all happened at the same time: anniversary, free cheese and another national food day.  BONUS!

When I first met Cory we were young and poor.  We ate these a lot along with bowls of tomato soup.   He believes this is the "meal of the Gods".   He is totally a keeper in my mind. 

In my mind this would best describe the title of my blog: simply gourmet.  A simple sandwich using the best ingredients to create a gourmet meal in a matter of minutes.



In my opinion.


Opened-Faced Grilled Cheese Sandwich

2 tomato slices per slice of bread
1 square slice of cheese per slice of bread
2 pieces of bread

1.  Set your oven to broil.

2.  Prepare your ingredients.

3.  Use a cookie tray to set your slices of bread on.

4.  Place tray under broiler until edges are brown and cheese is melted.

5.  Add fresh slices of tomatoes to each slice.

6.  Season with salt and pepper.

Written by Sherron Watson

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Coconut, Cilantro and Shrimp Cakes

I love coconut.

I believe my first taste of a fresh coconut was in the Philippines.   We lived on the Navy base.  We  had a young woman who helped my Mom each day with jobs around the house.  We would leave the base to visit her family.  They lived in a small village with coconut and mango trees in their back yards.

She would bring us coconuts all the time.   To this day I think of her.  I don't remember her name because I was only 5 at the time and that was a very long time ago.

I recently bought a fresh coconut for my family to try.  Isabella enjoyed watching me try to open the coconut.  I should have done it outside because my floor soon became wet with the milk from inside.  I was able to salvage a cup of coconut milk.

I tried to get my kids to "try it".

UM-- NO!

They looked at me like I was handing them a cup of poison.  So naturally I took the first sip to prove to them that it was safe to try.  I still had no takers.  I enjoyed the drink and ate the fresh pulp.  It brought back so many memories of playing in the warm rain, visiting my friends puppies and learning to ride my first bike.

I buy organic, unsweetened coconut pieces from Whole Foods to use in my granola, cookies and for these shrimp cakes.  I never buy sweetened coconut.  There really isn't a reason why I don't, other than, it seems too sweet for me.

These shrimp cakes are filled with fresh ingredients, they are simple to make and look pretty on a plate.
Yep--I like pretty food and this is one of them.


Coconut & Shrimp Cakes

Makes 6-8 cakes
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes


3 cups of precooked shrimp, diced 
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
2 tablespoons coconut flour
1/4 cup almond meal
1/2 cup chopped cilantro
2 tablespoons chopped green onion
2 garlic cloves, minced
Zest and juice from 1/2 a lemon
Zest and juice from 1/2 an orange
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon Old Bay Seasoning
Coconut oil for frying

Wicked Awesome Sauce:

1/2 teaspoon hot sauce
1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1.  Combine all of the cake ingredients in a medium bowl. Combine sauce ingredients in a small bowl and set aside.

2.  Use a large skillet, heat set to medium, melt 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.  Use more oil as needed.

3.  Form cakes/patties, with hands, into tight flattened disk. Fry on both sides until golden brown.  I recommend making your cakes no larger than 2inches wide.  They may fall apart if you try to make them too big.

4.  Serve immediately with sauce.  To swirl the sauce, I placed the sauce in a small sandwich baggie and cut a tiny corner off.  Gently squeeze and swirl.

Written by Sherron Watson

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Roasted Cauliflower with Mizithra Cheese

The first time I had Mizithra cheese was at a restaurant in Oregon (eons ago).  I believe I was in high school and they served it over broccoli with brown butter and this cheese.

I fell in love immediately with it.

Since this first experience, I have traveled and moved often. We don't always find this cheese with every move-- but-- I did last week while my sister was in town.

Whole Foods has this small basket of remnant cheese ends for a great price.  I like trying out new cheeses and this is a great way to experiment with new flavors without spending a small fortune.  They will run between $2 and $4 dollars.

I believe we both reached for the cheese when we saw the beginning few letters on the packaging.  We both knew immediately what it was.   Our faces broke out in grins a mile wide.

Happy bellies were on our horizon.

The problem was that we already had so much food in the fridge that we never got around to making it while she was here.

Darn it!

The purple cauliflower would not last long so I roasted it the next day, used the left over browned butter from our raviolis and blanketed a thick layer of grated Mizithra cheese over the top.

My mouth and belly did a happy dance.

This recipe is so simple but the flavors are amazing and so I wanted to share it.  Purple cauliflower is not necessary but it does make for a beautiful dish.

My sister will have to do with a few pictures or venture out on her own and make it for her family.  I hope she does the later because it is well worth the culinary experience.


Roasted Cauliflower with Mizithra Cheese

1 head of Cauliflower, any color
1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper
1 stick of salted butter, softened
small chunk of Mizithra cheese

1.  Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

2.  Prepare cauliflower by washing and cutting the crown into pieces.  In a bowl, toss the salt, pepper and olive oil to coat the cut pieces.

3.  Spread on a cookie sheet and roast for 30-45 minutes.  I cooked mine longer because I like the little browned edges of the cauliflower.  It adds texture to every bite.  Every oven is different so start checking for color and doneness at 30 minutes.

4.  While the cauliflower is roasting,  I will make the browned butter.  I do this by placing the softened stick into a small saute pan and turning the heat to medium high.  The butter will melt and start to foam. Then you will see it turn from a golden color to a light brown color.  It will also have a nutty aroma to it.   You must watch this the whole time because it happens quickly and you don't want it to burn. When I start to see the browned specks in the bottom of the pan I give it a stir or two and turn the heat off.  It will continue to cook a bit in the warm pan.  I will transfer it to a cool bowl if I don't use it right away. The browned butter stores nicely in the refrigerator.  When I need a spoonful I just break off a chunk and melt it in the microwave.

5.  When the cauliflower is to your liking, remove from oven and pour browned butter over the top.

6.  Add the Mizithra Cheese.

7.  Toss together and eat.  You can see that I didn't wait to put it in a bowl.  I ate it straight off of the cookie sheet.  You may want to serve it differently.  LOL

Written by Sherron Watson

Donut Breakfast Casserole

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