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Monday, March 24, 2014

Enchilada Dip

My kids ask for enchiladas about once a week.  They love the combination of corn tortillas and cheese layered with lots of red sauce.

I have seen versions of this dip around and decided that it may be a bit easier than making a couple of trays of enchiladas--especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  On those two days I am usually running kids from 4:30 until 8:00.  I try to make meals in the morning so that those that are home can reheat and eat at their convenience.  I miss eating together but busy families do what we have to do to get everyone fed and out the door.

I was correct.  It was much faster to whip this up.  I served the dip with corn tortilla chips.

I found that I could portion up the leftovers in small containers. This made for a great snack after school.

Beef Enchilada Dip with Green Chilies and Black Beans

1 pound of ground beef
1/2 medium onion, diced small
2 gloves of garlic, minced
2 cups of enchilada sauce (I make my own sauce--follow link)
2 cups of cheese, grated  (I used jack and mozzarella--but you can use any cheese you love)
1 small can (4.5 oz) diced green chilies
1 (14.5 oz) can black beans, rinsed and drained

1 bag of tortilla chips


diced tomatoes (optional)
avocado chunks (optional)
green onion (optional)
black olives (optional)
sour cream (optional)

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2.  In a large frying pan, cook meat and onions together until the meat is no longer pink.  Add garlic, cook another 3-5 minutes and remove from heat.  Drain any fat from the meat.

3.  Add black beans, chilies and 1 cup of cheese to meat mixture.  Combine well.  Transfer mixture to a baking dish.  I am using a round stone dish that makes the dip about 1 inch thick.

4.  Pour the enchilada sauce over the meat/cheese mixture.  The recipe says 2 cups but you can always use less if you prefer your dip not so runny.

5.  Top with remaining one cup of cheese  (add more if you want more)  I like lots of cheese so we usually add a bit more.  I also use what I have in the fridge.  This is a great way to use up small pieces of cheese.

6.  Heat in oven until cheese is melted.  In my oven this takes about 7 minutes.  Remove from oven and serve.

7.  While the cheese is melting, prepare your toppings.

Written by Sherron Watson

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Filet Mignon

Cooking together in the kitchen has always been a favorite past time for Cory and I. We have 26 years of marriage under our belts and have spent many hours fine tuning our skills with a knife, opening bottles of wine and reading recipes; all the while, laughing and sharing stories about our work week, kids and upcoming adventures.

Early in our dating and courting days (which were few-2 months to be exact), we decided that weekly date nights needed to be a priority in our relationship. We wanted a way to keep the love alive. Often our dates involved going out to eat, seeing a good movie, visiting the bookstore or enjoying coffee at our favorite local Café. As the years went by, and kids came along, it became a bit more challenging to have our weekly date nights but we managed. We hired baby sitters and swapped childcare with friends in a similar boat. It worked for us. The time that we have spent together each week has made a huge impact on our relationship.

This year we have set some new goals and one of them is that we want to eat more home-cooked meals. We don’t want to eat out as often as we have in the past for a variety of reasons. One reason being, with my food allergies, it has just become easier to dine in. We will still do our weekly date night but the dinner part will be enjoyed at home, feasting and cooking together.

Hands down our favorite meal is what I am sharing with you today. Steak and sautéed mushrooms have always been an easy dinner that the two of us can work on together in the kitchen.

A romantic dinner can be as simple or as elaborate as you choose to make it. I think that there are times when a quiet romantic dinner is just as sweet as a more executed venture with more bells and whistles. I know, from personal experience, that my time with my sweetie is always appreciated, and vice versa, no matter what effort is put forth on either of our parts.

A dinner for two doesn’t just have to happen at home in the kitchen with a pretty table. Other ideas and suggestions would be a picnic, a BBQ at the beach, a wine tasting tour, going on a hike or spending time on the water. The list is endless of places that the two of you can spend time together eating, drinking and connecting through adventure and food.

Food in all of its many presentations, settings and preparations has always held a special place in my family.
I like my steak on the rare side--so that is what you see here.

Filet Mignon

2 Filet Mignon Steaks, 1 1/2 inches thick
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
Salt and Pepper, to taste
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
Parsley Flakes (optional)

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2.  In a hot cast iron pan, heat oil on medium high heat.

3.  Brush olive oil on each side of steak and season with spices and parsley flakes.  Seasonings are not        measured so you can season to your liking.

4.  Sear each side of steak for 3 minutes.

5.  Turn oven off and put cast iron pan into the oven for 15-20 minutes.

6.  Steaks will be medium rare to medium depending on thickness.  To get exact temperature that is            desired, use a meat thermometer.

7.  Remove from oven and cover with a piece of foil and let rest for 8-10 minutes.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sauteed Mushrooms

One thing I have learned over the years is that if I serve steak in my house--I better have sauteed mushrooms too.

It took me a while to learn this though.

The disappointed looks, the short "oh" when it was relayed that I did not have mushrooms finally sank in.  I realized that Cory was a mushroom man and he LOVED them with steak.

I have made a variety of recipes through the years.  I have interchanged the "oil" for bacon grease, butter and olive oil; in some cases I even combined them--oh, the horror!  (Remember I am a home chef and sometimes these things happen).

I actually like the flavor and results that I get when I combine butter and olive oil to make my mushrooms but I wasn't sure if everyone else would so I have kept the recipe below with just butter.  I will leave it up to you to substitute or exchange the sautéing oil if that is your desire.

What made this recipe so different is the addition of brandy.  Just the small bit added a deep and rich layer of flavor.  It was different and my family thought these were great.

In fact, next time I will double the recipe.


Sautéed Mushrooms

Makes 1 cup
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes

2 cups sliced baby portabella mushrooms
2 shallots, sliced
2 tablespoons of unsalted butter
2 tablespoons of brandy
3/4 cup of beef stock--follow link for homemade stock
1/2 lemon, juice only
1 tablespoon garlic, minced

1.  Heat butter in saute pan over medium heat. Add mushrooms, garlic and shallots.  Cook for 4 minutes.

2. Add remaining ingredients.  Increase heat to medium high and reduce most of the liquid until the mushrooms are browned (see photo).  

3.  Serve immediately over steaks.

4.  Store in an airtight container for up to one week.

Written by Sherron Watson

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Homemade Beef Broth

I have been making my own beef and chicken broth for sometime now.

I love the idea of putting a soup together and knowing that I created and developed one of the main ingredients--the broth.

We have been buying our beef from an independent rancher in Pennsylvania for about 6 months now.  The reason I chose him is because his cows are grass fed, kept on a rotating grazing schedule, hormone free (unless they become sick) and are not given any type of supplements to increase growth or milk production.

I am not a farmer or a rancher so I don't know all the big words and terms to use in describing his process other than to say, he keeps a clean living space for the cows, they are minimally "handled" and the beef taste very good.

When we place our order I try to get as many bones that I can freeze.  These are not like the bones you get when you go to a grocer which are neatly cut, packaged and wrapped.  These are every joint, rib, socket and such.  My kids get a bit grossed out when the bones come in the front door.  They are pretty raw looking---extra meat and some blood.

It is great for homeschooling because we can try to "match up" the bones to where they belong on the cow.

I prepackage the bones in ziplock baggies and store them in my upstair freezer.  The night before I take them out to thaw.  This allows me to roast them in the morning and get the broth started early in the day.

I roast my bones at 400 degrees for about 1 hour. I usually toss some potatoes on the cookie sheet.  This makes the best, and I mean the best, potato wedges.  The potatoes are being cooked in bone marrow!  They are crispy on the bottom and tender and fluffy on the inside.

I really should take a picture one day and add them to this post.  It is hard to get in between my family and the potatoes when they are fresh out of the oven.

Once the bones are baked, I then place them in my large stock pot, add the water, vegetables and seasonings.

I try to simmer my stock for 12 hours.  Why?  Because this gives me what you see below.  A flavorful and well set stock.  This has been in the fridge overnight and it looks perfect.

Recipe:  Homemade Beef Stock
Makes 3-5 quart jars, depending on how long you let it simmer and reduce

4-5 pounds of beef bones, grass-fed if possible
12-14 (estimate) cups of water, fill pot until bones and veggies are covered
6 carrots, chopped in large chunks
2 large onions, quartered
4 gloves garlic, minced
6 stalks of celery, chopped in large chunks
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons of herbs.  I use an assortment of dried and fresh herbs--this is really up to you and what you have in your cupboards or refrigerator.  The broth might be flavored differently each time but this does not bother me.

1.  Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

2.  On a cookie sheet, place your bones.  Cook for one hour.  (Your house will smell amazing.)

3.  In a large stock pot, add all of the other ingredients.  When bones are done cooking, add the bones and marrow that has melted on the cookie sheet to the stock pot.  Cover with water until bones are just beneath the water.

4.  Set stove top to medium high to heat water and get the water to a slow boil.  Turn the heat down to a medium low and let it cook all day. If your stock is not reducing then increase the heat a little bit more.

5.  Check back ever few hours and stir.

6.  When you are ready to bottle up the stock, turn the heat off and let it cool for about 15 minutes.

7.  I always strain my stock several times to get it as clear as you see above.  The first time I use a metal strainer for the big pieces of vegetables or bone.  The second time I strain it with a mesh bag that I have.  It is great for catching all of the tiny bits.

8.  When the bottles are portioned I let them cool to room temperature.  I cap them with a canning lid and ring but not too tightly until they are completely cooled.

9.  You will notice that as you portion the broth, the fat will rise to the top.  I keep this fat and use it for making gravies, biscuits and Yorkshire Puddings.  I use my turkey baster and suck it off the top.  I try to leave about a quarter inch on top so that when I do add this to my soups, the fat will add flavor and body to my next recipe.

10.  You can freeze the broth too.  Just use a freezer approved container, leave enough head space for expansion and make your containers. I try to use mine up within 3 months.

Written by Sherron Watson

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tortilla Casserole

Snow, sleet and rain.

Three things we have had in abundance in Maryland over the last month.

I hate to complain about the cold weather but boy it sure gets to you after a while. It starts affecting your life which in turns messes with your mind.

Isabella told me that she has "cabbage fever". I laughed so hard when she said this. I didn't have the heart to correct her because it was so cute and memorable. She will figure it out and until then I smile each time she mentions "cabbage fever".

I can relate though, I am starting to feel a bit of it myself.

Cooking in the kitchen always helps me to clear my mind.

I needed something cheesy and warm. I decided to make this tortilla casserole and I am glad that I did.

I think we found a new family favorite for the winter months. It helped that I made the tortillas from scratch. I followed the directions on the back of the masa harina package (see comments below).

My wish is that everyone has stayed warm this cold cold winter.  

We are wishing for Spring almost daily.  I guess without the wintery blues we would not be able to fully appreciate the warm sunshine when it finally arrives for Spring.  I love the changing seasons.  This is one of the reasons that Maryland is so beloved by my family.  

We. Can. Not. Wait. For. Spring!


Tortilla Casserole
12 corn tortillas, (homemade are amazing)
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup sour cream
1 1/2 cup salsa
1 teaspoon salt
8 oz cream cheese, soft
1.5 pounds ground beef, cooked
2 green onions, diced with green and white parts
4 cups of shredded cheese. You can use jack or cheddar or a combination of both.

To make the tortilla's from scratch I used Bob's Red Mill Masa Harina and followed the directions on the bag for one batch. This made 12 tortillas. You do have to let the dough rest for one hour and then the making and baking of the tortilla's takes about 30 minutes. It is a few extra steps but the freshness of the tortillas really shines in this recipe.

1.  Preheat oven to 350.  Spray a 7X11 baking dish (or close to this size) with cooking spray.

2.  In a medium bowl, combine eggs, milk, sour cream, salsa , salt and cream cheese.

3.  Layer the casserole in this order:  cooked ground meat, cream cheese sauce, cheese and then tortillas.  Repeat one more time.  You should have enough tortillas for two layers and everything else you will have enough for 3 layers.  You want to end with the cheese on top.

4.  Bake for 30 minutes.

5.   Serve immediately with sour cream, shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes and/or jalapenos.

Written by Sherron Watson

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Homemade Marshmallow Fluff and Fruit Dip

Here you have two recipes.  It is your lucky day!

My sister-n-law made this fruit dip for us when we visited them last.  I positively could not get enough of it.  I felt so guilty every time I scooped my strawberry or pineapple piece into the luscious dip.

I must have looked like a little piggy and quite honestly, I did not care.  

OOPS, did I say that out loud?

I am not going to lie, there is no way to make this healthy.  I tried to make a batch using rice syrup instead of the corn syrup and that was a total fail. 

I had to reconcile the fact that it is a treat and no matter how hard I tried it was not going to be any other way than sweet, sweet and super good.

Once I allowed myself to enjoy this dessert to its fullest without feeling guilty, I feel it began to taste even sweeter.  LOL

If you are a reader of my blog then you know that I try my best to make most things from scratch.  To buy the jar of premade marshmallow was something I just did not want to do so I decided to try my hand at making this version.

I found the original version from one of my favorite blogs, A Farm Girl Dabbles.  I love her blog because she also likes to cook from scratch and use whole ingredients.  I found the homemade version tasted cleaner.  I didn't have a strange after taste like I did with the jar version.  

We are a few months out from having fresh strawberries in our local farmer's markets but with Valentine's right around the corner I thought a few of you may want to make this dip for school parties, work events or a little something special for your sweetie pie.  


Fruit Dip

1 8oz package of cream cheese, softened
1 1/2 cup of homemade marshmallow cream (recipe below) 
                 or 1 7oz jar of premade marshmallow cream
1 Tablespoon of cherry juice, for color
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1.  In a medium bowl, whip cream cheese until fluffy,

2.  Fold in marshmallow cream, juice, and nutmeg.

3.  Refrigerate until ready to use.

4.  Serve with your favorite sliced and prepared fruits.

Homemade Marshmallow Cream

1/3 cup water
3/4 cup light corn syrup
2/3 cup plus 2 T. sugar, divided
3 large eggs
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1.  In a small saucepan with heat set to medium-high, add water, corn syrup and the 2/3 cup of sugar.   Cook until boiling.   Continue cooking and stirring (see note below) until the mixture reaches 240 degrees on a candy thermometer.  Remove from heat.

You do not need to stir the whole time.  Just once in a while to keep the bottom from scorching.

2.  While step number one is cooking and reaching the desired temperature, you can beat the egg whites with the cream of tartar.  The whites should be light and frothy right before you add the 2 tablespoons of sugar.  Continue beating until soft peaks form.  Set aside until syrup from step one is ready.

The easiest way to do this step is using a table top mixer.  I used my kitchenaid. 

3.  Grab the bowl with the egg whites, set your mixer, with the whisk attachment, to low and s.l.o.w.l.y  start pouring the hot syrup into the egg whites.  As egg whites start to stiffen,  increase the speed to high.  Beat on high for 7-9 minutes until the mixture is stiff and glossy.  

4.  Add vanilla and beat until combined, maybe one more minute.

5.  Store in the refrigerator until ready to use.

I used mine to make brown butter rice crispy treats.  ENJOY

Written by Sherron Watson

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Cowboy Caviar

I love this side dish, relish, snack, appetizer or salad topping.  It has many uses. 

The obvious way to enjoy the Cowboy Caviar is with tortilla chips but I also like to use the left overs for salads and sandwiches.

Honestly, you can add anything to this wonderful array of color served in a bowl or take out what you don't like.  

I think these are some of the best recipes because they are so easily adaptable to your own families likes and dislikes.   I know that when I make it when my Mom is in town to leave out the black-eyed peas--she hates them.  I know that if I am going to be eating it I have to make a small batch for myself without the peppers.  I just learned that I am very allergic to bell peppers (and here I thought it was the eggs--LOL)

Do you see how this can be altered and recreated a ton of different ways.  I think adding jicama to this would also be really good.  I just thought of that so next time I will change it up a bit.

I like to serve this dish warm instead of cold.  My teeth are really sensitive to cold things. I just pop it in the microwave for a few seconds, enough to take the cold edge off.

I think we will be making this soon, I smell a good football game right around the corner.


Cowboy Caviar

Prep Time:  15 minutes
Serves: 6-8

1 15 oz can of black beans, drained and rinsed
1 15.5 oz can of black-eyed peas, drained and rinsed
1 cup of orange bell pepper, chopped small
2/3 cup red onion, chopped small
1 15 oz. can white or yellow corn, drained
2 medium tomatoes, chopped small
1/2-1 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
1.5 cups of your favorite Italian salad dressing
Salt to taste
Jalapenos (optional--not pictured)

Combine all ingredients into a medium bowl. Stir well

Serve with chips, as a salad topping, over fish or by itself.

Store in refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Italian Loaf

This sandwich is a family favorite!

I wanted to share it with you right before the big Super Bowl game coming up on February 2nd.

What I enjoy about this sandwich is that you make it the night before and let it sit all night.  Then when you are ready to eat, you simply pull it out and slice it up like a big pie or pizza.  The wedges look amazing, your guest will be thrilled with the flavors and the best part--you are not spending a lot of time away from the game.  

You did all the work the day before.

As with all of my recipes, I urge you to use the best ingredients to bring out the full flavor and potential of this show stopping meal.

Serve with a few of your favorite side dishes, chips, a vegetable platter and some cold drinks.  You should be set for the game!

Italian Loaf

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Serves: 8-10

1 (6-8 inch) round loaf of your favorite bread (Use a gluten free loaf to make this gluten free)
4-6 slices of ham
12-15 slices of Genoa salami
4-6 slices of turkey
10-12 slices of pepperoni
3-4 slices of provolone cheese
3-4 slices of mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup olive medley-recipe below
2 slices of red onion
1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil, chopped
A handful of Arugula or lettuce greens
Dash of olive oil
Dash of balsamic vinegar-your favorite flavor

To prepare bread:  Cut a 5-inch circle in the top of the round loaf of the bread.  Using your fingers, dig out the inside so that you have a hollow shell of crust. Remove any extra bread on the "lid" of your loaf.

Layer your meat and cheese in any order on the bottom. 

To make the olive medley: Buy three different kinds of your favorite pitted olives; add them to a food processor. Pulse a few times.  Add this medley to your sandwich after the meat.

Layer the onions, sun-dried tomatoes and fill the top in with your favorite lettuce greens.  

Top the lettuce with a dash of olive oil and vinegar.  Replace the 5-inch circle and wrap the sandwich tightly in plastic wrap.

Let sit overnight in the refrigerator.  When ready to serve, slice like a pie. 

Serve with your favorite side dishes and condiments.

Written by Sherron Watson

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Cantaloupe and Prosciutto Crustini

Easy is what I am looking for in my meals recently.  I also need something that I can make fast.

Holding a baby in one hand has allowed me to get really good at doing things with my left hand and using only one hand.  Not to mention my right arm is getting pretty buff.  Now I need to find the time to work on my left arm or I may look like Popeye pretty soon, or half of Popeye.

The one hand "everything" also applies to eating.  I really can't hold a sandwich very well. The insides seem to be falling out constantly or I spill mayonnaise onto Finnleys outfit or forehead.  She does not like that much.  Speaking of Finnley, here she is at 3 months old.   Her hands are keeping her very busy these days.

So I find that these small crustini appetizers work well for me.  I can buy the baguettes or make my own bread, cut them into small rounds and load them up with what I like.  On this day I chose to mix the sweet flavor of cantaloupe with a bit of mozzarella cheese and Prosciutto.   The melted mozzarella was a nice touch.

MMMMMM, my taste buds were thanking me on this day.  I love pairing sweet with salty ingredients. I also love to add a bit of tartness so I drizzled a few drops of my favorite balsamic vinegar, this month I chose the bordeaux cherry flavor.

Other combinations that I like to use are: cream cheese, ham, chicken salad, fresh herbs, olive oil, sharp cheddar cheese--really, the options are endless.

If you have time, share with me your favorite combination of flavors and textures when you prepare a platter of crustini for your family or friends.

Cantaloupe and Prosciutto Crustini

Prep. Time:  15 minutes
Bake Time:  15 minutes

16 slices of baguette style bread
2 T. olive oil
8 slices of mozzarella cheese, cut in half
1/2 cantaloupe
8 slices of Prosciutto
Flavored vinaigrette, optional
Mint leaves, optional 

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2.  Cut bread into 1/4 inch thick slices.  Brush each side with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

3.  Bake bread for 10 minutes.  Remove, add 1/2 slice of mozzarella cheese and return to oven for 5 more minutes.  

4.  While the cheese is melting.  Use a potato peeler to make thin slices of cantaloupe.  Cut Prosciutto in half. 

5.  Remove crustini from oven and lay a folded piece of Prosciutto on top of cheese, add folded cantaloupe, top with a small leaf of mint.

Optional:  add a drop or two of your favorite balsamic vinegar. I used Cherry (see picture).

Written by Sherron Watson

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Merlot Meatballs

Back in October I was sent a gift basket that included a bottle of Merlot, along with cheese, crackers and an apple slicer.  At the time I was tending to Finnley and put the bottle under the cupboard for a later date.  To be honest, I forgot about it until I ventured into the kitchen to make these wonderful creamed mushrooms.

I guess I was in the mood for something creamy and warm.  I ended up on Pinterest scrolling though some easy recipes because I was out of some of the ingredients to make the Creamed Mushrooms.


It was a bummer until I found this recipe for Merlot Meatballs by The Midnight Baker.  They sounded easy enough; plus,  I had the Merlot.

The recipe below has been adapted from the original.  I modified it to fit our families taste buds and to use what I had on hand.

Delicious sums up the end result of this dish.   Pre-made meatballs are easy but I think homemade meatballs taste better.  Here is an easy recipe for Homemade Meatballs that I use quite often with a variety of meatball dishes or this recipe for Turkey Meatballs would work well too.

As with some recipes, they tend to taste a little bit better the next day.  The sauce on the meatballs got a bit thicker and the flavors really shined through.  I enjoyed the meatballs but the sauce was the star of this dish.  I highly recommend that you have some fresh bread  (gluten free bread found here) on hand.

Recipe:  Merlot Meatballs
Adapted from The Midnight Baker

Makes 16/18 meatballs
Prep. Time:  30 minutes

1 bag of pre-made meatballs (16-18 count)
1/2 cup diced mushrooms, small
1/2 cup diced onions, small
2 T. butter
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 cup Merlot wine
1 1/4 cup of heavy cream
1 T. chopped fresh parsley
1 teaspoon honey

Loaf of Italian Bread, optional

1.  Bake meatballs according to package directions.

2.  In a large saute pan on medium high heat, melt butter; add garlic, mushrooms, salt/pepper and onion.  Cook until onion is clear. 

3.  Turn heat down to medium, add wine, cream, honey and parsley.  

4.  Add Meatballs and simmer, stirring occasionally, until reduced and thickened.  Sauce should simmer for at least 15 minutes. The longer it reduces the thicker and creamier the sauce will be.

5.  Serve in a large bowl, over noodles, or in individual serving dishes as an appetizer. 

The sauce is too good to waste, use the bread to sop up every last drop.

Written by Sherron Watson

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Easy Eggnog Bread Pudding with Butterscotch Sauce

Around this time each year my family decides that they have had enough eggnog.  After all, I did start buying it around Thanksgiving time with a steady purchase of 1/2 a gallon every week.  I usually don't figure this out until I find myself pouring it down the drain because we have surpassed the expiration date and I need to make room in the refrigerator.

This year I decided to do things differently. I rounded up some ideas of how I could use the left over eggnog that I knew I would find it on the top shelf hiding behind the orange juice and milk.   My thoughts went from fudge, to bread pudding, then to an eggnog applesauce cake or, the best one, eggnog ice cream.  These recipes would pretty much cover any amount that I would find nestled in the very back shelf.   The ice cream is going to require a lot of eggnog, I can only hope I find a full half gallon.

Last night I could not sleep.  I call it Holiday/Christmas/Company anxiety.  My parents are coming into town on Saturday and any company causes me to "wig out" a bit.  The older I get the worse it becomes.  When my guests arrive on my doorstep, the anxiety melts away. It is the anticipation of people coming to stay in my home that riles me up.  

These are some of the random thoughts that swirl around in my head:

"What if I forget to clean something"? Like the microwave, which I have done before.

"What if I make something they don't like?" Again, it has happened.

"What if the activities I have planned don't work out?" This usually doesn't happen, but it could.

"What if I decide to run away and come home when it is all over?" This is one question I ask myself a lot but I have actually never done because, like I mentioned above, I always have a great time and things go according to plan.

I believe I am my own worst enemy and I am sure it stems from my childhood and the need to please everyone, be the peace maker and strive for perfection.
So what does this have to do with bread pudding, early mornings and eggnog?


The anxiety was my reason for not sleeping, which caused me to clean out the fridge, which then led me to find the eggnog hiding behind the beef broth, that triggered my crazy 4am brain to make bread pudding. Remember that was on my list of things I could make.

I am going to assume that if you are like me, have Celiac or are gluten intolerant , then bread pudding is something that you do not make often (or, if you are like me, never). I don't usually make it because my family says they don't like it and I have never found the right type of gluten free bread to hold the egg/milk mixture (again, that was the case, until today).

A while back I was contacted by Udi's to try some of their products. If you remember I was a bit busy being pregnant and trying to stay afloat with the pregnancy. I turned down a lot of opportunities because I just could not handle one more thing.

After Finnley was born, I reached out to all of the companies that I wanted to work with.  Udi's made the cut.  They graciously sent me a box of goodies to sample and try.  

Let me tell you about this box: it was huge, filled to the rim and contained things that I did not even know they made. Gluten Free Flour tortilla's, pizza crust and bagels were three things I jumped for joy over.  I have to get my exercise in where I can.  {grin}

My family was equally excited at the sight of a box of food being delivered to our doorstep.  I just want to say thank you to Udi's for asking me to create a recipe using their products.

The one thing I find necessary when eating bread pudding is a sauce.  My daughter has been asking for butterscotch everything this year and so it sounded like the perfect addition to this Easy Eggnog Bread Pudding.  I am going to be the first to say, that it was excellent and I will be making it again.

Bread pudding has a tendency to get a little crispy or dry on top with the middle being warm and soggy.  Serving the bread pudding with a sauce will make the top layer soften a bit and add even more gooey-ness to the dish.

Two things I would recommend.  The first is to buy the best eggnog you can find and afford.  The second, don't try to change the bread combination.  You really need the gluten free bagel's texture to hold it all together.

My final comment is that this bread pudding does not have any added sugar.  I am trying to be mindful of the amount of sugar my family consumes.  If I can go without it, I do.  With that being said, this recipe is in no way a low sugar bread pudding because the eggnog has a lot and if you use the butterscotch sauce, is super sweet.

I strongly recommend making the butterscotch sauce.


Let me know what you think. I do love hearing from readers.  Enjoy!

*Disclosure:  The opinions expressed in the above written content are those of the writer, Sherron Watson.  She has not been paid to write a review or create a recipe.  Sherron was given a box of products and asked to participate in a recipe round-up which will appear on Udi's pinterest board.  

Easy Eggnog Bread Pudding with Butterscotch Sauce

2 Udi's bagels, cubed
8 slices of Udi's white gluten free bread, cubed
1 1/2 cups eggnog
1/2 cup whole milk
4 eggs
1 Tablespoon butter, softened
Butterscotch Sauce (recipe below)

The night before:

1. Combine the bread, eggnog, milk and eggs.  Using a spatula, mix well. The bread will need to be stirred a few times to ensure that each piece is coated with the wet ingredients.

2. Place bread mixture into a well buttered baking dish.  I use a dish that is an odd size, 8X11 rectangular dish.  My mixture ends up being about 2 inches thick.  I would not go any shallower than this.

3. Cover with foil and refrigerate overnight.  I would recommend a minimum of 4 hours if you decide to do this on the same day.

Day of:

4.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Remove bread pudding from refrigerator. Pull back the foil and give it a good stir to re-coat the top layer. Cover again.

5.  Bake eggnog bread pudding for 30 minutes.  Remove foil and continue baking for 15-20 more minutes.  You want the tips of the bread cubes to be a golden brown and the egg mixture to be firm.

6.  The last 15 minutes make the butterscotch sauce (recipe below).

7.  Remove from oven, cool for a few minutes and serve with sauce.

8.  Refrigerate all left overs and reheat in the microwave.

Butterscotch Sauce

1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 Tablespoons soft butter

1.  In a small saucepan, combine all of the above sauce ingredients.

2.  Set your heat to medium and bring to a boil (5 minutes or so), stirring every once in a while.

3.  Once the sauce boils, turn heat down to a medium low and simmer to thicken the sauce.   Continue cooking for 5 minutes.  Stirring occasionally.  Sauce will start to darken when it is close to finishing.

4.  Remove from heat and serve warm.  Sauce will thicken more the longer it sits.

Written by Sherron Watson

Friday, December 13, 2013

Chorizo and Rice Casserole

Sometimes my kitchen is similar to the show "Chopped".  The only difference is that I don't keep my food in a basket.  Well, unless it is a bag of cereal and then I have a vintage picnic basket that all of the "last remaining cup of cereal that nobody wants in the bag before they move on and open a new box"is folded up and tossed in to.  When this is full I remove the bags, crush them all together and make some type of magic seven layer cookie bar.  You know the one with sweetened condense milk poured over the top. Thats a good day at my house.

Oh, and I don't wear a chef outfit, nor do I have a row of 3 judges watching my every move. Instead I wear my favorite apron and have four kids, one husband and three really loud cats that give me plenty of feedback.  Have you ever watched the judges eat the food..a tiny bite here, a lick there and then their eyes never leave the chef.  Some days this is what it feels like in my kitchen too.

I used to plan a week long menu and try to stick to it and get upset if someone ate a much needed item out of the fridge.

Yeah, those were the days. Now, I buy what I want and I will often throw things together based on what I have left in the refrigerator. Our nights are hectic with busy schedules and it is not uncommon for me to have "20 minutes on the clock" and to hear myself say "your time starts now".

I run from drawer to cupboard to sink to refrigerator to stove and then repeat.

I am sweating, my hair is frazzled and I am in the zone. A bead of sweat trying to escape my forehead before the back of my hand finds it with a towel.

Are you wondering what I had in my "basket" aka: refrigerator? 

chorizo Sausage, cream cheese, rice and red pepper.

I can work with these ingredients and my mind starts to race.  We have to leave in one hour to get Isabella to gymnastics. 

I start preheating the oven, turn the saute pan on and throw some butter into it.  Dice the onions and bell pepper.  Start another pan and cook the sausage, warm the rice in the microwave to soften it a bit and find my two favorite casserole dishes.  I still don't own a 9X13 pan so I use two small dishes.

My hands are moving from pan to pan, stirring and flipping; all the while working the microwave to soften the cream cheese, open the broth box and add seasonings to a medium size bowl.

I am on fire! <----Cue Alicia Keys song here.

I throw it all together, toss it in the dishes and bake for 20 minutes.  

CRAP--Did I add salt goes through my mind? I don't want my dish to be under-seasoned.

Oh well, my kids and hubby can add their own.  Its not like I am cooking for $10,000 dollars tonight.

I wonder if I will make the cut to the next round?  wink wink

Of course I will.  My family would starve if I did not cook for them each night or they would live strictly on ham sandwiches.  They have done this before while I was away for a girls getaway.

My five judges were unanimous in saying this casserole was very good.  The chorizo is a bit spicy so beware if you have those that don't enjoy spicy AND it needed a bit of salt.

Over all they loved it and want me to make it again.  I can certainly do that because it was quick, simple and hit the spot on these cold, wintery nights.


Chorizo and Rice Casserole

4 chorizo sausages ( I buy mine from Whole Foods)
1/2 cup diced red bell pepper
1/4 cup diced red onion
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 tablespoon oil for sautéing
3/4 cup chicken broth
3-4 cups prepared rice (white or brown)
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1 brick of cream cheese, soft
1/2 cup grated fine parmesan cheese

1 cup of Jack Cheese, for the top

Preheat oven to 350.

1.  Heat oil over medium high heat.  I remove sausage from casings and break apart.

2.  Saute sausage, onion, garlic and bell pepper until sausage is browned and onion is clear.

3.  In a large bowl add remaining ingredients.  Stir to combine.  Add the ingredients from step 2.

4.  Add bowl to 9X13 baking dish, top with jack cheese and bake for 20 minutes.

5.  Serve immediately.

Written by Sherron Watson

Monday, December 9, 2013

Peppermint Melt-in-your-Mouth Cookies

I love a cookie that melts in  your mouth.   These little morsels of tenderness have a wonderful texture that is soft.   The  buttery flavor reminds me of my grandmothers sugar cookies.  The frosting on top adds a little cloud of fluffiness and to top it off, the peppermint candy bits,  add the right amount of color and flair.

The reason I used these Thin Mint Peppermint Bits is because I made Cookies and Cream Popcorn with mini chocolate filled cookies and decided to throw these in the bowl for flavor and color.  It turned out pretty good.  So, don't fret about using the whole bag because you can easily make both items.

I am excited for the Christmas season in our home. We have a new baby and my parents are coming for a visit.  We have not spent a Christmas with them in 9 years.  My big kids were so little and now they are almost out of the house.

We will fill our home with lots of goodies and these cookies will be at the top of the list.


Peppermint Melt-in-your-Mouth Cookies
{adapted from Taste of Home Quick Cooking, 2009}

Makes 30 small cookies

1 cup of butter, softened
1/2 cup powdered sugar, sifted
1 & 1/4 cup flour, sifted (to make gluten free-use an all purpose gluten free flour blend)
1/2 cup corn starch
1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract

*Eggs are not used in this recipe


1 oz. cream cheese
1 1/2 cup powdered sugar
2 tablespoons milk
1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
Crushed Candy Canes or Peppermint Thin Mints

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

1.  Cream Butter and powdered sugar together in a medium size bowl; add extract and beat well. 

2.  Combine flour and corn starch in a separate bowl. Gradually add to butter/sugar mixture. Mix well. 

3.  Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.  Using a small cookie scoop, space cookie scoops two inches apart.

4.  Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.  Do not over bake. 

For Frosting:   

1.  Beat cream cheese until its fluffy.

2.  Add powdered sugar, milk, and peppermint extract until smooth.

3.  Spread over cooled cookies and sprinkle with crushed candies.

Donut Breakfast Casserole

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